Leading with Power & Purpose

123. Exciting Updates & What's Next for the Podcast

Sabine Gedeon Season 5 Episode 123

What's new and happening behind the scenes at Gedeon Enterprises? In this solo episode of the Power, Purpose, & Prosperity Podcast, Sabine shares updates on the podcast, and exciting upcoming projects.

Tune in for a sneak peek into the next series, 'Unleash Your Power' and a behind the scenes look of how I'm structuring the business to serve more amazing leaders.

Key Take-aways

  • Reflection on PowHer of Money series: Tips for improving financial relationships.
  • Podcast & business updates: New team members onboarded for enhanced production support.
  • July break: Podcast hiatus for team onboarding and preparation.
  • Upcoming Unleash Your Power series: Interviews with executive women on power and influence.
  • Coaching opportunities: Limited spots available for personalized coaching - book a complimentary discover call 

What You Will Learn in This Episode:

  • [01:29] A recap of the recent Power of Money series and its impact on your relationship with money. 
  • [03:50] Updates about her business – bringing new team members to support podcast production and taking a temporary break. 
  • [06:03] The upcoming Unleash Your Power series, focusing on executive-level women and their relationship with power, influence, and authority.
  • [10:21] Recap and summary of the upcoming changes and series in the podcast.
  • [12:38] Sabine’s private one-on-one coaching opportunities and how to get in touch.

Connect with Sabine:

Website: https://sabinegedeon.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabinegedeon


Sabine Gedeon is a dynamic force in the world of leadership and personal development. As the Founder of Transformed Leadership Institute and CEO of Gedeon Enterprises, Sabine leverages nearly 20 years of experience to guide clients in both startups and Fortune 500 companies. Her unique approach combines human-centered principles with tech-enabled solutions, delivering customized programs for leaders at all levels to tackle crucial leadership and talent development challenges.


Download Free Resources - https://sabinegedeon/gifts
Get Coaching Support: https://meetwithsabine.as.me/Discovery

Are you tired of playing small and ready to step confidently into your greatness and share your unique brilliance with the world? Well, you're in the right place. I'm your host, Sabine Gideon, and I've dedicated nearly two decades empowering individuals and leaders as they confidently navigate the twists and turns of life and career transitions. If you're seeking direction, connection, or just a little push to play bigger, consider this podcast, your VIP path to a community that genuinely understands your journey. Join me every week for candid conversations and practical guidance designed to help you navigate the challenges of life and business, foster a growth mindset and cultivate meaningful connections. It's time to embrace your inherent power, define your unique purpose and prosper in every aspect of your life. Let's get started.


Hello, and welcome to another episode of Power, Purpose, and Prosperity. I'm your host, Sabine Gideon, and I am excited to be here on a solo episode. It's been a while since I've done one of these, and I just wanted to Hop on real quick and share a couple updates on what's going on with the podcast. What's been going on in my world and the changes, uh, since I last shared, uh, some of the shifts that were happy happening within the organization. So if you are completely new to me, welcome, I'm excited to have you here. In addition to being the host. of this show. I also serve in the capacity as an executive coach, a speaker and facilitator, as well as an author. So welcome. And for those of you who have been around, welcome back. I'm so excited to have you here. And I look forward to sharing some updates with you, especially those who have been following and subscribe to the podcast for a while. So first and foremost, I just wanted to, uh, highlight the last. Series that we've been on, which was, uh, adapted from the power of money series, uh, that I did live last year. And so hopefully these last few weeks, you've been able to tap in and get some amazing advice that tips, actionable things that you could put in place to help either, you know, restore your relationship with money or take it to the next level. I think we as women, we, as professionals, we, as individuals, whatever category you fall in. I think it's so important for us to, uh, Be able to leverage money as the tool that it is to help us, you know, push, uh, push our purpose for forward essentially. You know, for some people talking about money or hearing about money can feel very uncomfortable. And so hopefully some of the messaging and some of the conversation and some of the tips that you've heard the last few weeks have allowed you to uncover if you have some uneasiness around money. And if so, where does it stem from and how is it impacting you today? And then most importantly, what can you do to move forward, uh, so that you can, you know, have the money that you need to live the lifestyle that you want, have the money that you need to, uh, create and live out the purpose that you feel called to, and certainly make the impact that you desire to make in the world or in your community or in your home, whatever that looks like for you. And so, I'd love to hear your feedback. Feel free to send me an email at support at Sabine Gideon. com. Let me know what I has, what takeaways, what action items you plan to, or have already implemented as a result of that, um, series around women and money. So with that, I want to transition to give you some updates on what's coming up, what I'm working on. how it'll impact the show. And so for those of you who are longtime listeners, you know, back in February, kind of had a, um, kind of had a little shake up, if you will, in terms of the business, the focus and everything else. And so, I have been Working behind the scenes to, um, adjust to pivot where necessary and to make some different decisions and how I've been running the business as well as managing the podcast and everything else that's on my plate. So with that, I've been able to add in some team members who are going to help support. In, uh, producing the show on a weekly basis. So that's awesome and amazing. And I'm excited about that. Um, I've always had, uh, virtual assistants or contractors, if you will, helping to support me here and there. Um, but now I've actually, uh, brought on a team of individuals who are, um, who are in the onboarding process right now, but will be the essential help. Managers, if you will, of the podcast so that I can focus on, uh, finding really amazing guests, having wonderful conversations that don't just inspire and motivate, but leave, but leave you with actionable items to take. Um, and then also so that I can focus on other elements of the business. So with that, we are in the process of the, I guess, early onboarding stage. So that means that it's requiring a bit more of. My time to get them up to speed as well as making sure that, you know, if there were any, um, any parts of the process that need to be streamlined, that those are put in place. So while we're doing that, I actually plan on taking a break from recording or releasing new episodes just for the month of July that will allow me to, uh, get the team. Up and running, get everything that we need for the launch of the next series. And so that leads me to the next announcement where we will be releasing the episodes from the unleash your power series. That's what the series is going to be called. But basically it's the interviews and conversations that I had with executive level women, understanding what their relationship is with power. Influence and authority and how that shows up and giving you tips and strategies, if you will, to tap into your own power, to leverage your own power and to use it to advance the work that you're doing, whether that's in traditional corporate environment or entrepreneurship. So the unleash your power series will be released starting in August. And so that means that in addition to onboarding, uh, the new team, we are also doing all of the prep work to make sure that that series is powerful, that that series, um, brings out, if you will, the, the true essence of what I wanted when I envisioned it is to really help break down any stigmas, any walls, any societal expectations that have been put on us specifically as women. Um, As it relates to power, authority and influence. I mean, as leaders, we need all three to be effective and to be able to, you know, live out whatever purpose or live out whatever mission it is that we're, we're living out and similar to money. If we're afraid of it or if we have these negative beliefs around it, then it makes it harder for us to be able to access the very things that we need in order to be effective. And so, um, this power series is obviously the focus is going to be on the individual. You're going to hear stories on, their earlier experiences with power, how it's showing up today, lessons that they've learned. And so, um, my goal is to, empower you to tap into your own power so that you could be as effective and impactful as possible. So again, that means that for the month of July, Sabine is taking a break to work a little behind the scenes. So for the next four weeks, um, we won't have any episodes released, but I encourage you, if you have not caught up on all of the episodes from the money series, there's eight episodes that were released in the last several weeks. Please be sure to check those out or go back through the, uh, the list. And if there are any that are sitting in your subscribe, please feel free to listen to those. So that's, what's coming up. That's what's happening behind the scenes with the podcast and the business. And so to recap real quick. You know, July the rest of July, we are going to be on a short little break so that I can completely on board the new team members and get the next series prepped, set up and ready to release over the next several weeks we have about 20 or so interviews. So that'll take us through probably the end of the year, most likely the end of the year with this particular series and a couple of solo episodes in between that. And, uh, in that same breath, the Unleash Your Power series will be released or start to be released in August. So, uh, keep your, keep your subscription, keep downloading, um, because this is, this is by far one of the best series. All of them have been good in my mind, the Leadership Reloaded series, the, uh, Women of, or the Power of Money series, and then certainly this, uh, series around Unleashing Your Power. So be on the lookout for that. Of course, I always welcome questions, comments, suggestions, whether you've been listening since the first episode released two years ago, or this is your very first time. I would love to hear your thoughts, your comments, things that you would like to hear more about or. um, Guests that you would like me to bring on to discuss. Um, again, when we, when we shifted at the beginning of the year, the whole purpose of that was so that we would move away strictly from business and professional, which I, I'm still going to talk about that. Um, because I think that that is, uh, such a key point. Like we, we spend most of our time working, but at the same time, I recognize that we are whole human beings. And I wanted to diversify the content so that we were addressing the whole person. So that's mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially, you name it. So if you have recommendations, if you have suggestions, if you have questions, feel free to reach out to me directly at support at Sabine Gideon. com. And then the last thing I'll leave you with, I've been sharing this with my email list. If you're on the email list, I've shared this on social as well, but I don't think I've explicitly shared it here on the podcast. So. Going into the second half of the year, I have four coaching spots available. So this is private one on one coaching spots, either in a six month or 12 month increments, or I guess it, yeah, increments. Um, so for those private, Private one on one VIP coaching spots. It is very hands on working with me. I am helping to support you reach whatever, uh, whatever goal it is, or just supporting you in, in navigating life while life is lifing. So if you are interested, if you're curious about what it looks like to work with me one on one, please send me an email at support at Sabine Gideon. com. And we can schedule a discovery call to see if it's a good fit. If coaching is a good fit for you right now, if you aren't looking for coaching specifically, but know of people in your powerful networks that are looking for a coach, a supportive coach who takes a very holistic approach and practical approach to. Achieving goals to, uh, navigating life to excelling in whatever area it is that they're looking to excel. I encourage you to have them reach out to me directly, or feel free to make an introduction. You can do that via email at support at Sabine Gideon. com, or go ahead and make an introduction via LinkedIn. I welcome those as well. So for those of you who are listening, if, if, uh, This is the time where you feel stuck on something in particular, or you are ready to make a leap into something big and you want someone to come alongside you, uh, not to just encourage and motivate you, but also put up that mirror when you are potentially self sabotaging or when you are, you know, when you have blind spots that maybe you're not aware of. Uh, that's what I'm here to do. And I would love to help support you and or someone in your network if you're not in need of that right now. So with that, I will let you go. we are in the first week of July, so happy 4th of July for those of you who are in the U. S. and celebrating Independence Day. I look forward to rejoining you the first week of August as we launch the unleash your power series. Again, you can always reach out to me at support at Sabine Gideon dot com with questions, comments, suggestions. So let's let's Stay in touch over the next few weeks. I hope that you have a fabulous summer. Of course, if you're here in the U S and wherever you are in the world, I hope the next four weeks are amazing, powerful, impactful, peaceful, restful, whatever it is that you need, I hope that you get that in these next few weeks. And I look forward to being back on this mic with you and in your ears, uh, beginning of August, With that, have a wonderful rest of the day, wonderful rest of the week, and we will talk soon. Take care.

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